GEM chimica: with you since 1980
We aim to be a component of that quality that makes italian food products worldwide so popular and appreciate.
Our history begins in 1980 trading lubricant oils, sanitizers and industrial maintenance products.
In 1987, the core business moved towards professional cleaning of equipment, plants and working environment (Chemicals&Sanitation) and Water Treatment of primary, waste and technological water. In the same year we invested in a Testing Laboratory which can nowadays perform tests on water, seeds, food, feed, sludge, waste, compost, silage, working environments and emissions in atmosphere.
In 2010 we implemented a new consulting service dealing with food safety, HACCP, voluntary standards (Agrifood Consulting). During the same year we started supporting companies also in terms of evaluation on the risks of the presence of rodents or parasites (PestControl).
Since 2011 we’ve been operating also in renewable sources and biomass-biogas sector (Environmental Consulting).
Finally, since the beginning of 2017 we are a Test Facility authorized by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies to conduct official efficacy trials for plant protection products with registration purpose.
We care about the environment and we care about future. We’ve been producing our own energy requirements since 2010 with a photovoltaic system.
In 2015 we launched a new project called GE.NE.SY (Gem Network System).
Our customer, participating to the project, can get a double advantage: can save money and have a special care for environment.

The importance of quality

Our quality management system is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001 which requires high quality standards.
If you decide to work with a certified company you will get several advantages:
You’ll be talking directly with our quality office which will be happy to answer your questions and listen to your needs.
Our R&D office is daily focused in finding new solutions for the customers.
In order to fullfil the certification requirements we constantly have to improve our performances and management system.

We’ve been partnering with food companies since 1984 e we support them in achieving goals like safety and quality in their food products. We decided to get the UNI EN ISO 22000 food safety management certification for our chemicals and for Environmental Health.
The food safety management certification is based on HACCP rules and it applies for all the companies in the food industry.
One of our goals is to ensure the safety of food products that interact with our products.
We produce and provide services taking care of the needs of food production companies.
Our quality office is constantly up to date on food law and on risks related to the industry.

Our laboratory work in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and the tests accredited are listed at the following link:
Today we count several tests accredited on:
food (raw materials, semifinished, final products) / water / fodder / sludge and waste / food supplements / cosmetics / surfaces and working environments / air (conveyed emissions).
Our analysis laboratory is also part of the list of laboratories that carry out analyzes for the self-control of food.